Thanks a generous grant from the Harold C Smith Foundation, WCF was able to partner with 16 local ministries to provide a month's supply of Food and Hygiene Care packages to over 13,000 families, representing almost 80,000 people in 6 countries - Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, India and South Asia.


Here’s just a small sample of the impact from each country.

In Lebanon, Salwa is a Syrian widow who said this gift of food support has been a lifesaver.  Rasha is from Egypt and she has 3 children, but her husband is in prison. She expressed her gratefulness for the Food and Hygiene Care Packages given their desperate situation.

In Jordan, a Syrian refugee family told us ‘when everybody abandoned us, you came to our home to bring us this blessing.’  Another Syrian refugee family of 9 members said, ‘We would like to thank you from all of our hearts for your help and standing with us in our difficult situation. Our financial situation is very bad, especially with my dad being unemployed and sick (diabetic) and my mother has thyroid problems. Your gift just came in time, thank you for your love and assistance.’

In Iraq, we did a distribution to families with disabilities in a Yazidi IDP camp. These families already have been hard hit with job losses and the burden of having disabled family members. When we distributed these care packages, the families were ‘so overjoyed and touched that people from NYC (who they knew was the epicenter of COVID-19 deaths at that time) would be willing to help them from across the world’

In Turkey, A refugee family was in a desperate situation because the father had lost his sight and can’t work. They were eating barely one meal a day so the food packages were a ‘very great help for them’. The wife/mom said that ‘she was emotionally touched by us helping her.’

In India, we distributed care packages to 300 leper families. They were ‘more than happy to receive the relief packages, since they had scarcely anything to eat for the last few days. The people who live in the leprosy colonies hardly expected this act of generosity…they expressed both joy and thankfulness’. These families are truly some of the most unreached and outcaste of that society.

In South Asia, minority groups are a very small percentage (2%) of the population. In South Asia, minority groups had a difficult time getting aid throughout the pandemic. The hundreds of families that received the care packages ‘were very thankful for the love which you showed with your donations.’

WCF is currently preparing a new round of Relief Aid in the coming weeks. For more information about WCF's COVID-19 Relief projects, please go here.

Thank you for your continued partnership


